
Mediterranean WInes

In many areas along with climatic, geographical and varietal elements, cultural and oenological options create conditions for shaping the character of the wines. A particularly attractive area to experience this is the Mediterranean, where we find wines of great diversity that over the centuries have shaped the economics of the Mediterranean arc.

 Mediterranean wines are born to give value to minority vine varieties, which grow in soils and mesoclimate of the Mediterranean arc. We study the varieties to define their resulting qualities, adding  value to the area. They are research and collaborative projects with local entities and winegrowers.


The Mediterranean Arc, made up of the regions of the eastern bank of the Iberian Peninsula, southern France and a part of the Italian west coast, is considered one of the most important axes of European development due to its size and capacity to spread the economic dynamism from the northern territories to those of the south. An area that has important strengths and also weaknesses and threats that loom over the continuity of progress, that is, sustainability and development. At the viticultural level, the Mediterranean arch shares culture, history and great wines. The management of the vineyard and the greater understanding and adaptation of the varieties will determine the survival against climate change and the adaptation of the vines.




From the 1st century AD, from Tarraco, capital and political center of an extensive province of Hispania, and a major commercial port, many ships loaded with amphorae filled with wine left for Rome, capital of the Empire, but there were also many they were going to Gaul, Germany or Britain. In these exports the geographical origin of Tarragona was already stated in its wines, as evidenced by the writings of the Latin authors of the 1st century such as Silio Italico, Marcial and Plinio El Joven. The Roman Empire was the true promoter of the wines in the regions of Tarragona, the territories of Tarragona stood out for their wines and were considered the most privileged of the empire. In Tarragona there has always been a great vocation to export wine, so much so that in Calle Real de Tarragona, next to the Port, it was an area where a large number of wineries were concentrated that exported their wines with boats throughout Europe.

the grape varieties

The grape varieties we are currently working with are indigenous varieties of which there are only a few vineyards left, many of which were discontinued in favour of more productive varieties. However, proving that they are used to make good and quality wines, it will be the unequivocal proof that will allow their continuity. At present in our country, only 5% of the wine that produces is of minority varieties and many already have lost in favour of foreign varieties of greater productivity.

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